Here's my Original Post of 20 Wishes for 2014! Below are my February updates in BLUE! March updates in Green! April updates are in RED! May updates are in Purple!
1. Celebrate 28 years of marriage!
Done! My first post about it is Right Here!
And here is my Second Post about it!
The last of the photos were posted right HERE.
Check! You can find a teaser post HERE. We took so many photos, you'll be reading about our trip for quite a while!
Handsome Husband bought a T-Shirt that did not fit him when we got home,

so I turned it into a cardigan! Check out my Colorado T-Shirt Makeover!
Here's a fun post about Murphy.

3. Attend concerts.
Some tickets have been purchased for June!
Fitness Goals - Last year, one of my 20 Wishes led me to a Cross Fit gym. Working out has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I am usually in the gym five days a week.
A little setback in this department! Between being out of town for our anniversary and having a yucky stomach virus, my workouts have been pretty weak in February.
March has been a better month for workouts. I haven't missed any. With the Opens going on in CrossFit, there's a lot of added excitement about giving your very best effort.
While on vacation in Colorado, I visited CrossFit Thornton and had a great time with them, working out three times! It was fun to mix it up a little. Everyone at this gym was GREAT! I am so proud of myself for making it to the gym even though we were on vacation!
4. I want to be a size 4 by May 1 and maintain it thru the rest of
This isn't going to happen by May 1, but I'm leaving on the list and will let you know when it does happen! ;-)
It took me three weeks to lose the weight I gained in one week of vacation. OY!
5. Run four 5ks, one in each quarter of the year.
My running schedule has been inconsistent, at best. I need to either make time for it or scratch this one off the list. We'll see.
Exciting progress! I completed a modified workout with my toes (not knees) on a box, the last modification before going for the 'real' ones! It's hard to describe the sense of accomplishment when progressing to a new level! I'll now start splitting reps between real ones and toes on a box.
7. Complete an entire workout with REAL Pull Ups, no modifications.
8. Complete an entire workout with REAL Toes to Bar, no modifications.
Definite progress here. Yesterday I completed a workout with Toes to Rings! Every single one would have counted. Also, my trainer, Gil, kept encouraging me until I got my first real Toes to Bars this month. Thanks, Gil!
Toes to Rings keep getting stronger. In attempting Toes to Bars, the rhythm is still a struggle.
9. Get stretchy enough that I can do the splits again, both sides.
Did you see my Word of the Year Craft? It's about flexibility!
If those get accomplished: Bonus Goals are Double Unders and Ring Dips. Oh, and I'd like to know how many grandmothers across our great nation are choosing Cross Fit goals? ;-) I'm going to need gobs of support and a whole lot of tenacity. Those are going to be tough to achieve! If you have any quotes, tips or advice, please send them my way!
Sewing Goals
10. Complete a quilt for each of my children.
One down! Wanna see it? Click HERE!
11. Inspired by Marissa at Rae Gun Ramblings, sew something for myself monthly and join the fun at "Sew Our Stash"
January's deadline snuck up on me, but at the last second, I made a Maxi Skirt! I love it!
February's project was a Raglan Sleeve Top!
OK, so March didn't happen. If you read This Post, you'll understand why I'm not being too hard on myself! ;-)
I've done lots of sewing in May! It was so exciting to participate in my very first pattern tour of The Ojai Wrap!

12. Inspired from Adventures in Dressmaking, follow Susannah's Sewing Resolutions. Basically, I should fuss and worry over my pattern and fabric choices for ME just as much as when I am sewing for someone else. Well, DUH! ;-)
I have an exciting sewing project for May that I can't wait to show you. Last night, I went to a fabric store and TOTALLY followed this one. It took me a L O N G time to choose fabric, thread and buttons, but I am so thrilled with my choices, I just can't stop grinning!
13. Take a photography class.
14. Learn photo shop.
15. Make my own herbal salad dressing.
16. Create and write down 3 recipes for artisan cheese.
17. Re-Vamp my "Herbs: A Place to Begin" presentation into a one hour program.
This one is complete, too! My 30 minute program became a one hour class. I gave a presentation in January and have been invited to give another one in April! This time, they want a 15 minute program! ;-) Another re-vamp will be needed! That's OK, though. Each makeover gives me a new idea. Did I mention my Word of the Year is about flexibility? ;-)
18. Learn more bloggy techy things.
19. Monetize and grow my blog.
20. Read and blog about 26 books.
This goal is on track so far. 'Still reading and posting book reviews. I wrote about my 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime, too! Do I get bonus points for that? ;-)
'Still on track! Being part of Literary Junkies makes it even more fun!
This goal is looking good. What can I say? I {heart} books! ;-)
My reading is slowing as I'm doing more gardening in the evenings.
Whew! It's very rewarding to check off items on my 20 Wishes list! I hope you'll join us on Wednesday for the link party! I'd love to see what you've done!
;-) -Marci
You inspire me to get off my bum and work out! Great job and love all your recaps!