Saturday, May 31, 2014

Link Party Feature!!

You should see the features at Threading My Way today!  Pam always chooses great ones.
I can't believe it! 
My T-Shirt Makeover made the list!  Yep, I turned a Men's T-Shirt into a Summer cardigan and love wearing this soft wrap especially on those days when it's cool in the mornings, but hot in the afternoon, then back to cool in the evenings!  It is a perfect little layer to even out wacky temperature changes! 

Threading My Way_Featured
Thanks for the feature, Pam!  I love your ongoing link parties!
 My Go-To Place for patterns!

;-)  -Marci


  1. A very well deserved feature, Marci. Thanks for the link backs.

  2. Congratulations on the feature! I had seen the cute wrap you posted on 5/14, and now you made this one from a man's t-shirt?? How awesome is that?? I love to sew, I just don't get to it often enough. :)


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