Here's my Original Post of 20 Wishes for 2014!
'Not many updates for August, but they are in ORANGE!
1. Celebrate 28 years of marriage! We had a great time and I've written about it five times! LOL! My first post about it is Right Here! And here is my Second Post! There were actually two posts in April. HERE and THERE. The last of the photos are right HERE.'Not many updates for August, but they are in ORANGE!
2. Vacation in Colorado. Yep! It was wonderful and I've only just begun to publish the pictures PLUS there was a cool sewing project related to the trip! Check out my Colorado T-Shirt Makeover! There's a fun post about Murphy and Windmills! Do you like birds? At Garden of the Gods, we photographed this Mexican Jay and some Magpies.
3. Attend concerts. We saw Blake Shelton, The Band Perry, Dan + Shay AND Neil McCoy in Little Rock! It was a GREAT concert!
Fitness Goals - Last year, one of my 20 Wishes led me to a Cross Fit gym. Working out has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I am usually in the gym five days a week. Since beginning Cross Fit, I've gone from a size 12 to a size 6, almost to my goal size!! For the most part, I've worked with two trainers, Chip and Gil. They deserve a HUGE amount of credit, teaching me the movements as well as motivating me daily and encouraging me to stick with it. There had to have been some days where they beat their heads against a wall after I left! ;-) Thanks, guys! I couldn't have come this far without you!
So, in the month of July, I went shopping for a new gym. Looking for the one that is right for right now. I contacted 6 gyms via email. Everyone was super nice. Two didn't have a class time that worked for me and one is still being built. So, I actually tried 3 different gyms and was very happy at all of them. One gave me a 2 week pass and the others gave me a 1 week pass. It was a fun little journey and I chose another CrossFit gym. I am loving it!
4. I want to be a size 4 by May 1 and maintain it thru the rest of
7. Complete an entire workout with REAL Pull Ups, no modifications. Slow Progress is better than no progress, right? ;-) I am so close to doing REAL pullups! I can get my nose above the bar, but not quite my chin. It's exciting!
8. Complete an entire workout with REAL Toes to Bar, no modifications. I keep trying and am getting really close! The rhythm is getting much better, and some can be strung together now instead of just one at a time. This is going to happen soon.
9. Get stretchy enough that I can do the splits again, both sides. (You might be asking "Why?" on this one. I have absolutely no idea. 'Just want to.) It's going to happen!
If those get accomplished: Bonus Goals are Double Unders and Ring Dips. Oh, and I'd like to know how many grandmothers across our great nation are choosing Cross Fit goals? ;-) I'm going to need lots of support and a whole lot of tenacity. Those are going to be tough to achieve! If you have any quotes, tips or advice, please send them my way!
I am consistently getting Double Unders, but only one at a time.
Sewing Goals
10. Complete a quilt for each of my children. One down! You can see it HERE!
11. Inspired by Marissa at Rae Gun Ramblings, sew something for myself monthly and join the fun at "Sew Our Stash" This has been a GREAT goal for me! I am gaining so much confidence in the sewing department! I've made a Maxi Skirt! Raglan Sleeve Top! 3 of The Ojai Wrap! and a couple of Commuter Cowls! This Easy Pink T is getting lots of wear. Here is a Vintage Baseball T created in July!
12. Inspired from Adventures in Dressmaking, follow Susannah's Sewing Resolutions. Basically, I should fuss and worry over my pattern and fabric choices for ME just as much as when I am sewing for someone else. Well, DUH! ;-) This wish ROCKS! Here's a fun little post about Why I Sew.
These goals are being brought forward from my 2013 list!
13. Take a photography class.
14. Learn photo shop.
15. Make my own herbal salad dressing. I've been goofing around with this one, but not ready to post anything yet.
16. Create and write down 3 recipes for artisan cheese. Cheese and yogurt making seems to be something I like to do in the fall.
17. Re-Vamp my "Herbs: A Place to Begin" presentation into a one hour program. Done, twice actually!
18. Learn more bloggy techy things. Hmmm... Surely I've learned something?
19. Monetize and grow my blog. I've been working on a Pinterest Board. My humble little blog continues to pick up new followers here and there, and I *LOVE* meeting new people from around the world!
20. Read and blog about 26 books. Definitely on track and I love the monthly Literary Junkies parties! If you like to read, please join the fun!
Whew! So, what have you been doing?
;-) -Marci
Awesome progress! Colorado is definitely on my travel bucket list. Happy weekend. xxx