Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book Review: Ivan the Terrier

by Peter Catalanotto
Ivan the Terrier
I was unable to find a synopsis online, so you just get mine on this one!  ;-)

Many of our friends ask why our little dog is named Ivan.  Well, it's because of this delightful children's book!
 photo a3a0bd74-fa7d-4c2e-b56a-341f08e5e398_zps7e456c35.jpg
In this fun read, the author is attempting to tell traditional children's stories like Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Ivan, however, has other plans!  If you've ever had a terrier in your life, you will completely understand the mischief those energetic little dogs can create!

I think this author perfectly captured the exuberant charm of my favorite breed!
Are any of your pets named after a book?
;-)  -Marci


  1. Go Ivan! We had a Jack Russell terrier that provided us with tons of love and entertainment....and a little trouble! LOL!

  2. I always love to hear the inspiration behind a name, so thanks for sharing! I love that last photo, with all the cute eyes looking our way. =0)

  3. Ivan is adorable! One of my cats is named Loretta, based upon a scene from a Monty Python movie! Does that count?

    Thanks for visiting my post over at Silo Hill Farm!

  4. What a cutie that Ivan is! A friend of ours had a terrier who could do flips! Unbelievable little bundles of energy, those terriers!


  5. Ivan is definitely CUTE !!
    I grew up with dogs and cats and there is nothing better

  6. How fun that your dog is named after a literary character! I've not seen this book before but it looks really fun. Thanks for sharing it at Booknificent Thursday.

  7. I've not heard of this book. I love that you named your dog after a book character. The one that sticks out to me would be a black rottweiler named Carl after the book Good Dog, Carl. Our dogs (and cat, for that matter) came with their names, but I think Lexy, Maggie and Callie are just fine names. Visiting from Animal Tales!

  8. What a cutie and what a great name for a little dog! #AnimalTales
    If you have any more animal posts to share the next linky will open today (July 11th) in an hour or so!


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