Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bathroom Re-Model

We are re-modeling our bathroom, well, re-painting, really.
In an old rock farmhouse built in the 1930's, this means heat guns and scraping paint.

 Crazy twizzle-y things all over the floor that somehow get all over the house.

Painters tape is a wicked challenge.  Nothing is level or square in the whole bathroom.
Handsome Husband is putting new trim around the window.  It's going to look great.

We found some interesting writing there, behind the window trim.  When I saw it, I asked HH if he had written it even though it's not his handwriting.  Nope, not him.

It looks like "1/17/33".  Hmmm...  'Wonder who wrote that there? 
Things like that make me LOVE our old rock farmhouse. 
Seriously cool... 
;-)  -Marci 

1 comment:

  1. I love finding old messages left for others to find!
    hadn't seen this post.
    came here via today's post with your really cool curtains!


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