Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Garden Guests: Robins

 The north side of our front yard is a certified  National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat.  Really!  We have a certificate!  It is so much fun to see all of the critters that stop by for a visit.  I'm beginning a new series of posts to show you our Garden Guests. 
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Baby Robins always make us smile.

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And so do their mommas!  God's creations are absolutely amazing!

I love this song by Jaci Velazquez.  You're My God.

The beginning lyrics are:  'A new day was beginning.  All the birds were singing.  The sun was shining up in the sky.  Sometimes the world around me is so awesome it astounds me.  It leaves me feeling mystified.'

Yeah.  That's how I feel today!

Enough about me!  What makes you smile?  Is there a song that describes how you are feeling today?  Well, grab it and link it over at Holli's Hoots and Hollers for Tunes on Tuesday!
Yep!  I'll see ya there! 
;-)  -Marci


  1. We get a lot of Robins in our yard. But, I heard a different singer this morning that I can't identify.

  2. Beautiful. I've been in PA for a week looking at beautiful gardens. Yours is special.


  3. Thats so cool. I love all little creatures and i am excited to see this series.

  4. Oh I know I'm going to love this series! Baby birds are so stinkin cute....I love it when they first start popping up in the spring and they just seem so awkward!

  5. That little baby in his awkward stage just makes you feel good!

  6. Great photos! Love that little baby robin. Was he flying yet ? I would love for you to join our new photography link party!


    Have a great day :)

  7. How cool is it to have a certified front yard! We can't wait to read your future posts.

    So glad you linked up with us at the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT Link and Hop.

    Have a wonderful week~
    Sharon and Denise!

  8. That is awesome. I have been thinking about creating a habitat area in our yard with the kids and getting it certified by the National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat. I think it would be a fun project to do with the kids.

  9. I love baby robins. The mothers knock them out of the nest before they can even fly! Then she continues to feed them as they hop around the yard. Thanks for sharing. Please continue to share nature at your little part of the world. Linda

  10. Love your pictures. Thanks for sharing with us at the HomeAcre Hop. Please come back and see us this week: http://everythinghomewithcarol.com/the-self-sufficient-homeacre-hop-3/


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