Friday, January 16, 2015

Twenty Wishes for 2015

Based on the book Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber, each year I make a list of 20 things I want to do.  This is not stuff I have to do, like go to work and pay bills, but fun things or maybe something I am curious about or for no particular reason why, just want to!  ;-) 

If you are curious about my other lists of Twenty Wishes, click on each link below!

2015?  Here they are: 

1.  Memorize Psalm 91

2.  Memorize two poems

3.  Read 26 books and post reviews

4.  Using my book, The Little Black Dress, sew at least one version of all 10 patterns

5.  Conquer Rope Climbs

6.  String together 5 strict pull ups

7.  Consistently string together 10 wall balls that could pass muster in competition

8.  Splits - All 3 ways

9.  String together 10 double unders

10.  Increase my herb collection

11.  Increase my asclepias collection

12.  Create 3 new butterfly puddles

13.  Attend 6 Herb Society and / or Garden Club Meetings

14.  Tour 3 public gardens

15.  Harvest something edible from either the green house or garden 10 months of the year

16.  Attend concerts

17.  Celebrate 29 years of marriage

18.  Sew a quilt for each of the Grand Ones.

19.  Pay It Forward somehow quarterly - at least 4 times this year.

20.  Begin a REAL Savings Plan

Have you set any goals for the year?   What do you want to do?

;-)  -Marci


  1. It is so great that you are still doing the 20 Wishes! I'm trying to get through each month just doing the things I need to do. I say when Jack gets older I'll have more time to do more stuff for me again. Maybe I could do like 5 wish. Something to think about.

  2. You have some lofty goals and I have no doubt you'll accomplish them! You go girl! Now come tour the Japanese Garden in Springfield with me this spring or summer. It's gorgeous!

  3. Sounds like a great list! Good Luck this year completing your list. Following on Bloglovin' from the Blog Train. Have a great weekend.


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