Life is short, right? Do you ever wish you had more time for the activities you enjoy, but don't actually set aside those precious minutes? Well, listen up! I am ecstatic to be part of a wonderful team of eleven bloggers bringing you a monthly link party all about one year of fulfilling twenty wishes. My wishes and your wishes! This has nothing to do with the daily grind of responsibilities that we all have. The idea is to make a list of what I WANT to do, not have to do, or need to do, but what I WANT to do this year!
Isn't this a great lil plaque?! I stumbled across it while choosing my 20 Wishes! |
I'd love for you to join the fun! We can cheer for each other throughout the year! All you have to do is choose twenty things that you would ENJOY doing sometime in 2014. Write about them and share them with us! As you check the exciting stuff off your list, post an update and let us celebrate your accomplishments with you!
HERE for the January party!
The link party will take place right here, the last Wednesday of each month. Do you need some examples? Here are my posts from 2013!
Did I finish everything on my list from last year? Well, of course not! Don't be silly! ;-)
Are you ready to see my list for this year? Drum roll, please!
(Gee, I'm kind of nervous!) ;-)
1. Celebrate 28 years of marriage! WOW! 28 years?! Time sure does fly! Here we are with our favorite four year old, who is now our favorite seven year old!
2. Vacation in Colorado.
3. Attend concerts.
Fitness Goals - Last year, one of my 20 Wishes led me to a Cross Fit gym. Working out has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I am usually in the gym five days a week. Since beginning Cross Fit, I've gone from a size 12 to a size 6, almost to my goal size!! For the most part, I've worked with two trainers, Chip and Gil. They deserve a HUGE amount of credit, teaching me the movements as well as motivating me daily and encouraging me to stick with it. There had to have been some days where they beat their heads against a wall after I left! ;-) Thanks, guys! I couldn't have come this far without you!
4. I want to be a size 4 by May 1 and maintain it thru the rest of
the year my life.
5. Run four 5ks, one in each quarter of the year.
Where do I get one of these shirts? |
6. Complete an entire workout with REAL Handstand Pushups, no modifications.
7. Complete an entire workout with REAL Pull Ups, no modifications.
8. Complete an entire workout with REAL Toes to Bar, no modifications.
9. Get stretchy enough that I can do the splits again, both sides. (You might be asking "Why?" on this one. I have absolutely no idea. 'Just want to.)
'More about this in a later post! |
If those get accomplished: Bonus Goals are Double Unders and Ring Dips. Oh, and I'd like to know how many grandmothers across our great nation are choosing Cross Fit goals? ;-) I'm going to need lots of support and a whole lot of tenacity. Those are going to be tough to achieve! If you have any quotes, tips or advice, please send them my way!
Sewing Goals
10. Complete a quilt for each of my children.
11. Inspired by Marissa at
Rae Gun Ramblings, sew something for myself monthly and join the fun at "Sew Our Stash"
12. Inspired from
Adventures in Dressmaking, follow Susannah's
Sewing Resolutions. Basically, I should fuss and worry over my pattern and fabric choices for ME just as much as when I am sewing for someone else. Well, DUH! ;-)
These goals are being brought forward from my 2013 list!
13. Take a photography class.
14. Learn photo shop.
15. Make my own herbal salad dressing.
16. Create and write down 3 recipes for artisan cheese.
17. Re-Vamp my "Herbs: A Place to Begin" presentation into a one hour program.
18. Learn more bloggy techy things.
19. Monetize and grow my blog.
20. Read and blog about 26 books.
Whew! I better get busy! So, what fun goals would you like to set for yourself?
;-) -Marci