Thursday, August 31, 2017

Book Review: The Little Book of Hygge

Danish Secrets to Happy Living

by Meik Wiking

CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, Copenhagen

A partial synopsis from Bas Bleu:  Hygge has been called everything from "the art of creating intimacy," "coziness of the soul" and "the absence of annoyance" to "taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things," "cozy togetherness" and, my personal favorite, "cocoa by candlelight."

My thoughts:  So, to begin Hygge is pronounced "hoo-ga".  You're welcome!  That was my first question, too.  ;-)  What a fascinating little book!  It begins by defining what "hygge" is.  As chapters move along though, there are tips and suggestions on how to create "cozy togetherness" in your home as well as your place of work.  I especially enjoyed the recipe section.  This one is a pretty quick read and one that I would definitely recommend.

What have you been reading?

;-)  -Marci

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Party People! It's time for Tuesdays with a Twist

Our News This Week...  The weather has been incredible, very mild for August in Arkansas.  It feels like early Fall around here.  One of our grand daughters had a birthday party Saturday.  Those are so much fun, hanging out with the cupcake crowd.  I spent the rest of the weekend making lye soap, one of my favorite side jobs.  For fragrance this round, I made one batch of Citrus Herb and one batch of Christmas Kitchen.  Both cut into bars very nicely and smell amazing, ready for sale in about a month.

 These beauties are Althea!  We have them along one of our fences for a little more privacy.  Planted closely, Althea makes a nice hedge.  

Monday, August 28, 2017

You're the Star {September} Week 1

WELCOME to the September "You're the Star" Blog Hop!  

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

Oh, my goodness!  Is it reeeeally September this week?!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Be the Change Tote Bag Upcycle

Our daughter recently graduated college summa cumme laude majoring in Social Services, minoring in Child Welfare.  She is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself, currently employed as a case worker with DHS!  

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

It's Time to Party! Tuesdays with a Twist

Our News This Week...  This weekend was our family decoration at the cemetery for my Daddy's side of the family.  It always seems kind of bittersweet.  I am happy to see everyone who gets to come, but I am lonely for the ones who are gone.   The bouquets I created worked very well and looked quite nice if I do say so myself.  If you would like to see my tutorial for silk memorial arrangements, just click HERE.

 These beauties are Amaryllis Belladonna!  One of their common names is "Naked Ladies".

Monday, August 21, 2017

Back to School Round Up

I have really exciting news today!  My sewing project for these 

of facial tissues is part of a 

of DIY gift ideas at 

;-)  -Marci

Make Your Own Paper Dolls for De Stash Challenge

Do you love playing with paper dolls?

Me, too!  The adorable little girls around here love them, too!

You're the Star {August}

WELCOME to the August "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

Before we continue onto the Linky party I wanted to share this

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesdays with a Twist Link Party

Our News This Week...  I've sewn two more nap mat covers for little girls skipping off to Kindergarten.  They are pretty easy, but a tutorial will be coming soon.  I guess the plastic cover that comes on the mats can be uncomfortable and kind of scratchy?  The last two covers were made with a super soft flannel fabric in a pattern from Frozen.  Everyone loves Elsa and Anna, right?  ;-)

 These are Stargazer Lilies as they begin to fade.  I love all the different shades of magenta and pink!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Buttery Homemade Cream Puffs

You are in for a treat today!  I have another handwritten recipe for you from someone I love!

Buttery Homemade Cream Puffs

August Blog Hop * You're the Star *

Welcome to week#3 of the August "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

WELCOME to FAMILY feature week of the August "You're the STAR" blog hop!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Remembering My Family

The baby in this photograph is my Daddy, being held by his Dad.  Considering the size of that cute little guy, I am guessing the picture was snapped in 1930.

These dear family members are in heaven now.  Most of their bodies are buried in the same cemetery.  Decoration for this particular plot is later in August.  It is the time of year for our community to remember loved ones.

My blog has been somewhat quiet as I create bouquets for the event.  There's something very soothing about arranging flowers for people I love.  It's interesting how certain plants will always remind me of specific relatives.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Create a Quick Cow Gift Card

This blue eyed beauty just had her first birthday.  She is such a sweet little neighbor.  Anytime Emery notices Handsome Husband outside, she makes a funny screeching noise that's just for him, and wiggles until he comes to her.  We are very blessed to be her honorary grandparents.  What a cutie pie!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tuesdays with a Twist Link Party

Our News This Week...  It has been pretty quiet around here.  We did lots of yard work on Saturday.  A nice little rainstorm came Sunday, so I spent some time in the kitchen whipping up peanut butter pie along with cream puffs.  Mmmmmm...

 These are double white hollyhocks.  Aren't they pretty?

Monday, August 7, 2017

You're the Star {August}

Welcome to the second week of the August blog hop called "You're the Star"!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg

Before we continue I'd to invite everyone back for another party tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tuesday with a Twist - Happy August!

Our News This Week...  The kiddos are in full  "Back to School"  swing.  The list of school supplies has been purchased along with some cute clothes and new shoes.  Our daughter asked me to help corral little girls on their clothes shopping trip.  We had a great time!  I whipped together a nap mat cover for the youngest.  It's really just a large pillow case and very quick to sew.  If you need one, too, just take a pillow case pattern (click HERE for mine) and adjust the measurements to the mat.

These photos are of crinum lilies.

We are technically just a smidge too north for these beauties, but they are planted in a protected area and they are thriving.  Aren't they pretty?

Link Party Feature

Exciting news!  My tutorial for creating 

is being featured today at 

Blogging Grandmothers Link Party Button

Really!  Check it out!  ;-)  This is seriously cool!

Blogging Grandmothers Link Party Featured Bloggers

Thank you to Grammy's Grid dot Com and all the other co-hosts!

What an honor!

;-)  -Marci