Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lake Leatherwood

 Let me tell you about a favorite camping spot... 

Lake Leatherwood, Hwy 62 near Eureka Springs, Arkansas

My birthday happens to be the last average frost date for our area, mid April. My perennial gift request is a camping trip with our family.  It’s strange to think about camping with the family when our children are now grown and far away. These days it is just Handsome Husband and me. In our old age, we have traded the tent for a travel trailer.

Lake Leatherwood is a favorite spot for spring camping trips. It is owned by the City of Eureka Springs. The dam for the lake was built in the 1940’s and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is one of the largest hand-cut native limestone dams in the country. It is beautiful and makes up a portion of their approximate 15 mile trail sys-tem. Visitors can hike across the dam for a lovely view.

There are tent sites, RV sites and cabins available. Canoes and paddleboats are ready for the water worthy. Our children would spend hours canoeing slowly around the shallow end of the lake looking at fish and turtles. Fishermen can expect blue gill, crappie, bream, large mouth bass, and channel catfish. Boating is allowed, subject to a no wake requirement. The swimming area hosts a large rock platform for kids who like to make a splash.

The 1600 acre park supports many species of wildlife. We have seen heron, geese, deer and turkeys. The woodlands showcase gorgeous wildflowers, mushrooms and moss.

If your family looking for a fun day trip or overnight camping, consider Lake Leatherwood! 

;-)  -Marci


  1. sounds like GREAT fun! What kind of travel trailer do you have?

    1. Hello! Lake Leatherwood is nestled in a lovely valley. It is truly beautiful! -Marci


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