Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tuesdays with a Twist link party

Do you have sweethearts heading back to school soon?  That time of year is here again!

Today is Tuesday.  'So excited to see what you bring to the party!  Please remember I co-host a party on Mondays, too.  You are welcome to join both!

 photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg

All family friendly links are welcomed including other parties and Etsy shops.

;-)  -Marci


  1. Marci,
    Thanks for hosting. It has been some time since I posted anything. I added my salvaged Plant Stand.
    Have a great day.

  2. Thank you Marci for Tuesdays With a Twist. Have a great week.

  3. I am not nearly ready for "back to school!"

  4. No, I don't have anyone heading back to school, but as a long-time educator I still have my August dream about being in the classroom again. It usually involved letting the kids go home too early for some reason and trying to get them back. - Margy


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