Sunday, August 30, 2015

Terra Studios Part 2 More Dragons and Blue Birds

These photos can do most of the talking for the enchantment of Terra Studios.  It is home to the original Bluebird of Happiness and is nestled in a quiet little valley about an hour away from our home in Northwest Arkansas.
If you missed Terra Studios Part 1, just click HERE!  ;-)

This pretty setting near the pond hosts a tea party for two

or three

or four.  You can even

share a chair with a bear!  ;-)

'So charming! 

The girls had a ball

running and exploring!

As hard as I tried, there are not any good shots of this awesome play house.

Throughout Terra Studios
you can find creativity wherever you choose to look.

Where have you been playing?

;-)  -Marci


  1. How completely adorable Marci! Fun had by all from the look of the pics! Love, Mimi xxx

  2. Hi, Marci, I'm visiting from Roses of Inspiration. What a wonderful place for a family outing. I'm sure your girls took home many lovely memories. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sweet photos. Looks like you had a lovely day :)


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