Thursday, August 13, 2015

Book Review: Everyday Fashions of the Thirties

As Pictured in Sears Catalogs
Edited by Stella Blum
A Partial Synopsis from Good Reads:  For thousands of women across America, hard hit when the frivolity of the twenties ended so resoundingly with the Crash of '29, the pages of the Sears catalog became an essential resource in maintaining a wardrobe. An ambitious marketing operation, it could not afford to take chances on haute couture; its fashions were geared as closely as possible to the prevailing tastes of the American people.
My Thoughts:  What a wonderful picture book!  I am so vey grateful ladies' under garments have improved!
What are you reading?
;-)  -Marci


  1. My grandma would love love this book! Love these pictures.

  2. Marci, I love this post. I wonder if you'd introduce yourself to my followers via my Five Star Frugal linkup? I know they'd love you too! I'd be thrilled to have you. Love, Mimi xxx

  3. always so fun to look back at fashions and then realize that sooner or later it will be back in style again lol. now i am curious about the undies though!

  4. Oh, what a fun book, Marci! How I love the styles from years ago.... Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration this week.

  5. I've read/looked at this book through my local library. An excellent resource for anyone interested in fashion or the Depression.

  6. I would be all over this book! I'll have to see if I can find it.

  7. OH.....I LOVE this book. What a terrific cover.

    It would be so much fun. THANKS so much for sharing.

    Very nice blog.

    Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved August Edition. I am in the list as #30 through #33.

    Happy Reading!!

    Silver's Reviews

    The Promise of Home

    The Secrets of Lake Road

    In The Dark Places

    Dead Money Run

  8. Thanks for the review. Thank you for linking up at #HomeMattersParty this week, and hope to see you again next week.

  9. Thanks for sharing this book at Booknificent Thursday! It looks like a lot of fun and I can even imagine using it in homeschooling.

  10. That sounds neat; I remember picking out some clothing from the Sears Wishbooks when I was a kid... though I mostly focused on the toys!


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