Monday, June 15, 2015

FGNS Garden Tour, June 2015 {Part Two}

The Flower, Garden and Nature Society of Northwest Arkansas hosts wonderful garden tours every June.  This year's site choices were excellent, as always!
Here are MORE of my favorite photos.  I hope you enjoy them!

This sweet gal is one of my childhood friends I hadn't seen in  Y E A R S.  We ran into each other at one of the tour gardens.  What a treat!



How funny are these little signs?!  They were actually in two different gardens!




Suddenly, I need to paint a ladybug rock! 
;-)  -Marci


  1. Nothing better than running into good old friends. How cool!!
    The armadillo is my favorite.

  2. It's always a nice surprise to run into someone from your past.

  3. Love those signs and all the cute creations.

  4. What a wonderful tour, Marci. I love the bike. Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous pictures at the #sundaysdownunder linky party! I have pinned this!

    I really appreciate you and your support.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  5. Such fun garden items! The bike is darling and those signs gave me a good laugh :) Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration....happy Wednesday!


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