Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Second Watering Can Restoration

What is is about watering cans?  I just love their shape.  These are the size of children's toys.  With a little paint and some pretty washi tape, they've become planters.  If you would like to see my first transformation of the shorter, rounder watering can, just click HERE.  The second restoration was completed this summer, but I'm just now posting about it.

Somehow, I neglected to photograph a "before" picture, but you can probably imagine an all metal watering can.  Painters tape has been used to cover any parts that will staying silver.  Soft pink spray paint will cover the exposed surfaces.

To soften the lines between between the two colors, washi tape was added.

Ivy is tucked inside and watered thoroughly.

I love that one watering can is short and round, while the other is taller and more narrow.  Here they are side by side on the top of my piano.  

The watering cans were a gift for a dear friend and she has placed them in the window of her farmhouse kitchen.  Both plants have grown nicely.  The fern is now nice and wide while the ivy is trailing beautifully.

;-)  -Marci


  1. That turned out great and they look lovely together.

  2. Beautiful restoration! Thank you for sharing it at You're The Star Blog Hop! I'll be featuring you on You're The Star Blog Hop - Creative Features! Congratulations and have a great weekend!

  3. Sweet project, and I found an adorable copper coffee pot, I'm going to use with my very few dried hydrangea blossoms. Sandi


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