
Monday, March 22, 2021

Sewing with Bandanas

Every dapper cowboy knows this is a classic accessory staple.  These days, bandanas are available in just about every pattern and color imaginable.  I really appreciate the low price of $1 each and love that the edges are already hemmed.

For my two projects today, the choice was contemporary colors with a classic pattern.

Of note, most will have either a tag or stamp in one corner.  If you don't care for those, just be aware and use the other sides.

Project #1  Headbands

Our granddaughters are currently 8 and 9, but like to think of themselves as 15 and 16.  Eek!  They are getting particular about their hair and love versatile accessories like these headbands.  They recently asked me to sew some new ones for their collection.  Now, of course, it is possible to just roll the kerchief and tie it on your head, but that leaves a lot of bulk.  In only a few minutes, I can slenderize the look!

Fold the square bandana corner to corner with right sides facing.  Draw a chalk line one to two inches away from the fold, depending on how wide you would like the finished headband to be.

Sew a straight seam on or parallel to the chalk line, leaving ends open.  Finish the seam (not pictured).  Turn right side out, press with a cool iron, and let the fashion show begin. 

Clockwise from top left:  Lydia brightens a messy bun.  Isabella wears a classic headband with ends up.  Lydia keeps her braid to the side with headband ends tucked under, showing only the knot.  Isabella goes with two braids and headband smooth on top of her head.

Aren't they beautiful girls!

Project #2  Face Masks

Once the headbands were complete, a lot of fabric was still left.  Using this Mask Pattern  from Arkansas Arts & Fashion Forum, I created new face coverings for myself.

Needed:  Two triangles left over from each bandana after making the headband.

Two strips of  elastic, measuring 6 inches each for me.

(It has been difficult to purchase elastic in our area.  The shelves have been bare.  I was thrilled to find some that was 1/4 inch wide in white and black)

Fold the leftover triangles in half with right sides facing and place pattern near fold.  In the center, cut only the portion for bridge of nose, leaving bottom portion uncut.  Cut cheek line and side of face normally.  Two layers of fabric are needed, so cut both leftover triangles.

With right sides facing, sew center seam for bridge of nose on both pieces.  Press seam open with cool iron.  With right sides facing, sew the two layers together at the top and sides only.  Trim and finish seam.

Turn right side out and press with cool iron. 

I was crazy lazy attaching the elastic.  (The mask would look much nicer if either the seam were turned and the elastic looped through or the elastic was sewn with the side seam.)  When it's on my face though, I doubt anyone is looking that closely at my ear loops.

If you like, be careful with your cut to better align that center seam for a nice look on the nose.

For me, the most difficult part of wearing a mask is that my glasses get steamy.  Leaving the bottom longer, but open, gives my exhales a bit of space while still being contained.  My glasses remain clear!

There you have it!  For the low price of only $1 each, two functional projects were completed from each bandana in a minimal amount of time!

If you are curious about similar projects, check out some of my other posts: 

Bandana Bows

Bandana Dogs 

Bandana Rose

Bandana Skirt for Babies

What have you been sewing?

;-)  -Marci

1 comment:

  1. Cute ideas for bandanas. My daughter loved a bandana style head scarf when she was younger, removing a lot of the bulk is a good idea for younger ones.


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