
Monday, June 10, 2019

Making Use of Old Spray Paint - De Stash Challenge

Habitat Gardening is one of my passions... is lowering my crazy stash of craft supplies!  Join me and some of my blogging buddies as we challenge one another to create something using whatever goodies we already have on hand.

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Many birds enjoy suet, especially during the cooler months of the year.

I'd purchased four of these sunflower shaped suet feeders years ago.  Time had done what time does and they were tucked in the back of our barn waiting to be painted.  It's hard to say just how long they've been in there.  Waiting.  It's kind of embarrassing just how much spray paint is left over from gazillions of projects.  Paint is not a problem.  ;-)  My first idea was to paint them Barn Red.

I'm loving these lanterns I found on sale after Christmas *for only $5 each* and thought a little more red around our yard would be nice!

The old spray paint, however, had other ideas.  The Barn Red worked really well on one side of all four sunflowers.  Then it began to spit and sputter, being all kinds of  hateful.  😒  Digging thru my stash, out came two cans of Yellow and one can of Orange.  They, too, only worked for a little while and then completely refused to cooperate.  So, one side of all four sunflowers is Barn Red and the other side is either Yellow or Orange.  Dark Green for the stems and leaves worked just fine.

Here they are, ready to hop in flower beds!  Do you think the Barn Red side should face the street?  I can't decide.

OK.  So, the paint is kind of splotchy.  No one driving past my house is going to notice.  They'll just see vibrant colors and hungry birds eating suet.  My stash is down four cans of spray paint and the barn no longer houses four suet feeders.  Win, win and WIN!

;-)  -Marci

Let's see what the other bloggers had in their stashes!

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  1. The new paint job looks great for these, Marci. And yay for de-stashing!

  2. These flowers look great! I really like that bright yellow!

  3. Looks great! I used spray paint to freshen up quite a few of our garden decorations last year and was so glad I did instead of tossing them out.

  4. There's nothing like painting to revive and transform treasured items! And your flowers now look fresh and sparkling!

  5. Love it, looks great! If you’re not aware, I have a new UNLIMITED Monthly Link Party! I’d like to invite you to bring this post and more over and linkup with everyone

  6. Such pretty bright colors to add to your garden! And I love that lantern you got a deal on!


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