
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Travels with Marci along Hwy 12

My full time job (besides blogging) has me on the road quite a bit these days, regularly buzzing around eight different counties here in Arkansas.  I am so very blessed to live in a beautiful area.  When something catches my eye, I snap a picture with my phone.  

If this type of post is something you enjoy, there are more on My Ozarks page of my blog!

I was driving along Highway 12 between Rogers and Eureka Springs, when I receive an email that needs a quick response.  Pulling into the parking lot of some storage unit facility, my co-worker is sent the answer she needs.  Something white on the ground catches my eye.

How lovely!  Out comes my camera!  I sent the photos to my sister and she called them a Fairy Ring.  We've had a very rainy August here in Arkansas and these pretty mushrooms can be found just about everywhere.  A quick internet search led me to all kinds of folklore and whether or not it is safe to step inside the ring.

Maybe the fairies flew away while I was typing that email.  ;-)

Where have you been lately?

;-)  -Marci


  1. I love fairy rings! For quite a few years when my son was a little boy we had one come up in our front yard...a little bigger each year. Until it outgrew the space & the circle was broken. I was sad when it didn't reappear. We always looked for the fairies though we never could quite catch them.

  2. What a nice surprise to see a ring of mushrooms like that! Magical!

  3. How lovely. I remember seeing something similar when I was a girl. My dad took me walking in the forest and we saw a "fairy ring", he convinced me it was where the fairies lived and I was mesmerised. :)
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  4. Very nice pics. That looks so cool. #PoCoLo


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