
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Garden Guest: Bird on a Wire

 The north side of our front yard is a certified  National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat.  Really!  We have a certificate!  You can do the same by providing food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young.  It is so much fun to see all of the critters that stop by for a visit.  I have a series of posts to show you our Garden Guests.
If you would like to see more, please take a look at my Garden Page   

Another photo series of a female Ruby Throated Hummingbird from late Summer...

This wire runs near our back porch

and was a favorite perch all Summer for these little beauties!

Is it just me or is she looking right at the camera?  ;-)

This tiny sweetheart landed, and then seemed as intrigued with me as I was with her!

 What's happening in your back yard?
 ;-)  -Marci


  1. She is looking right at the camera, or at you! She is so sweet ♥

  2. I love hummingbirds. Beautiful photos!

  3. I got lots of pictures of hummingbirds at my feeder, but none resting in a natural setting. I would have loved that. - Margy

  4. I love that you've made your backyard a refuge for birds and wildlife! I'm not that good about keeping my bird feeders and bird bath full. I get lazy. We have lots of trees and woods for them though. I can't believe how you were able to get such a good pic of a hummingbird. They're usually fluttering about and rarely still.

  5. Such an adorable little bird. The birds are returning for winter and flocking to the feeders. It's time to get the all season suet out. I'm visiting from Saturday's Critters.

  6. My place is a habitat too,love your hummingbird.Mine left at the end of Sept.They don`t all go at once,one by one they take off.Thanks for sharing,phyllis

  7. Hello, I miss the hummers. Sweet bird and awesome photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your Saturday and the weekend!

  8. Great shots! Love these little birds and never get tired of watching them. Enjoying looking through your blog and am your newest follower. Visiting from Saturdays Critters

  9. These are great shoots and amazed it didn't fly away. How sweet and I would sit there watching all the time if I could. Lovely view and thank you for sharing at Dishing it and Digging it link party. It's great having you.

  10. Beautiful photographs, what a lovely lovely moment. I do believe the little bird was looking right at you. It was certainly calm. I enjoyed your post.

  11. Great photos, Marci. We don't have hummingbirds here.


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