
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Garden Guest: Tiger Swallowtail

 The north side of our front yard is a certified  National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat.  Really!  We have a certificate!  You can do the same by providing food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young.  It is so much fun to see all of the critters that stop by for a visit.  I have a series of posts to show you our Garden Guests.
If you would like to see more, please take a look at my Gardening Page 

This handsome creature is a male Tiger Swallowtail.  As you view the photos, notice he has quite a bit of damage to one wing, but is still thriving.

Anyone who attempts nature photography will appreciate that the butterfly is barely in the frame.  Frequently, when I download photos, there is nothing in the frame!  ;-) 

When I am out and about with my camera, my hope is to get one good photo.  Just one!  I follow along and snap absolutely as long as my subject allows.  Often taking  20 - 30 shots of one butterfly or bird.  If I get one good picture, I am absolutely thrilled.  Imagine my surprise, when this session yielded five photos I liked!  Five!  That is definitely a record for me!

The Tiger Swallowtail is enjoying the nectar from a flower called Garden Phlox.  It is a lovely perennial here in Arkansas (Central United States) and is available in lots of colors.  I only have three colors in my garden. All of my Garden Phlox plants have been pass along gifts from friends.  The magenta is probably my favorite, but I also have one that is softer purple with white centers as well as solid white.  You can see butterflies love Garden Phlox!
 I am so glad this lovely little visitor stopped by our garden.  Thank you for stopping by my blog today!  I hope you can stay for a while!
What's happening in your back yard?
;-)  -Marci


  1. Your vistor is simply lovely, my friend :) The purple flowers are the perfect backdrop. Have a great week! Hugs

  2. Very pretty visitor captured well by the camera.

  3. Gorgeous photography Marci. And the butterflies even posed for you!

  4. Beautiful photos. Especially the one of the butterfly in flight. I had to laugh at your confession that you take so many photos of one creature to get one good shot. I am in the same boat. I spent a chunk of time observing a bee on our spirea bush and I couldn't stop clicking. Have a blessed day!

  5. I have the most difficult time trying to photograph butterflies. Mine are always either too far way or too blurry. These are lovely!

  6. I LOVE butterflies! Beautiful pictures. :)

  7. Love, love, love this post. Such beautiful photography and great subjects too. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely photos at DI&DI. xo

  8. Glad to see your photos. I also have garden phlox in my backyard and saw the same butterfly. He was fluttering and hopping all over the phlox. Now I know the name of this butterfly! Great photos!

  9. So very pretty! I love to watch the butterflies flit around in my own garden! Such a joy.

  10. I'm almost positive that I read about the National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat on your blog once before and I had planned on working towards that myself and then forgot! Thank you for the reminder! Thank you for sharing at Party in Your PJs!

  11. Your photos are amazing! We've had lots of smaller orange butterflies in the last few days. My hyacinth bean vine is in full bloom and it is attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. :)

  12. It's definitely butterfly season in my neck of the woods! They are suddenly everywhere, but yes, they are quick and I often end up with an empty frame, too. I love the shots you captured. I think he may even be posing! ;) Thanks for the visit today, I love meeting new friends!

  13. Beautiful pictures. I'm so impressed that your yard is a certified wildlife habitat. What a wonderful thing.

  14. How special to caputure the butterfly at dinner. Fantastic photos. Isn't it wonderful to watch nature at its finest. I just love watching the butterfly in the garden.

  15. Such beautiful photos, so glad that you were able to get 5 great shots! That's cool that your backyard is a national wildlife backyard!

  16. Most of my butterfly pictures don't exist! The butterfly is gone. Beautiful images.

  17. Hi Marci: Your photographs make this little character look majestic. Natural beauty captured in the moment, I cannot think of anything prettier.

  18. Hello, gorgeous captures of the Swallowtail. They are beautiful butterflies. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  19. Butterflies are a challenge to photograph - you did a great job!


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