
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Garden Guest: Cedar Waxwing 2016

The north side of our front yard is a certified  National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat.  Really!  We have a certificate!  You can do the same by providing food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young.  It is so much fun to see all of the critters that stop by for a visit.  I have a series of posts to show you our Garden Guests.
If you would like to see more, please take a look at my Gardening Page
These lovely birds are Cedar Waxwings.

We consider them our sweet Harbingers of Spring as they migrate for the Summer.

Cedar Waxwings stay only as long as there are treats for them on our Western Soapberry tree.

What's happening in your back yard?
;-)  -Marci


  1. I've never heard of these little cedar waxwings. They're beautiful! Have a blessed!

  2. What stunning birds, I'm definitely mesmerized by them, they're so new to me ( we haven't them in Italy !), I'm so very grateful to you for sharing these charming photographs, darling Marci !

    Hope you're enjoying your Sunday I wish you most wonderful days to come, sweetest friend, sending love to you


  3. Beautiful birds. I have to search and see if they are in my area. The organization of National Federation Wildlife Assoc. I will look into also. A great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am in Alabama and I saw my first flock of Cedar Waxwings 2 weeks ago. I wonder how far south they are traveling?

  5. What beautiful pictures! We have had Bohemian Waxwings stop off here in Scotland on their way south from Russia before, and they were very similar, but not as colourful. Thank you for sharing :-)

  6. I love cedar waxwings! They are such cheerful birds! I'm loving all the nesting and baby raising going on with the birds in my backyard. So much fun to watch.

  7. Absolutely STUNNING images. I am in total awe.

    Thanks for sharing this post with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week. I look forward to more when you have them!!

  8. Love these birds. And they love your berries!


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