
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Herbs: A Place to Begin... Soap Making Kit

Being part of our county's Master Gardener Speakers Guild is a lot of fun. My program is titled "Herbs: A Place to Begin". It is for anyone who might be curious about growing herbs or is just beginning to use them. I give simple advice for ways to incorporate tasty herbs into your every day life. After such a sweet reception to my presentation, I will be adding regular posts about herbs.  

Watch for the ones titled "A Place to Begin".  Here's a fun craft idea for kiddos.  Soap!


Now, you know I make lye soap, but that's not what I'm talking about.  Lye is very toxic and certainly not recommended around children.  However soap making kits are quick, simple and fun!  Like one of these!

Your favorite cutie pie can chop the herbs and add the color while you're melting the soap.  There are so many combinations of herbs that work well together!  Experiment and be creative!  

After a quick stir, it gets poured into the mold.

We kept some of the molded soaps for bath time with frogs and turtles!  The others were a gift for a very deserving Kindergarten teacher!  He loved giving her something he had made!

Would you like some simple recipes using fresh herbs?  Take a peek at my Recipes Page!  If you are interested in growing herbs, there are quite a few tips on my Gardening Page!  I'd love for you to visit my Stone Cottage each week as my little series continues.  If you are new to herbs,  I can give a place to begin!

;-)  -Marci


  1. Love your soaps! Turtles....awesome. :-)

  2. Hello Marci, these soaps are so fun. Glad you came by to see us so we could come back and read your wonderful blog. Very best wishes ~ Sharon and Denise

  3. My grandma and I used to make soaps together when I was a kid. It was fun. :) I'm visiting today from Fun Friday!

  4. What fun! I'm kind of partial to the frog ones!

  5. Oh love this :) Totally would be fun for everyone. I love the green color and the turtle shapes! I have thought about making soaps, off to look at the recipes.

  6. Excellent idea. Homemade is so much healthier for us with the right ingredients of course. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Tuesday with a Twist Link Up.

  7. Love this idea! The turtle soaps are so cute!

  8. Those are such cute soaps and I bet children love making and using them! A great idea! Thanks for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop.

  9. What a wonderful idea, the turtles are so cute. What kinds of herbs did you put in them?

  10. What a wonderful idea, can't wait to try! :)
    {Visiting via the From the Farm Blog Hop}


  11. Thanks for sharing.. This is something my daughter is going to love... :)

  12. how fun! we just made tie dye soap from a kit with the grands and they loved it! I did buy extra soap base so now we can do another round with herbs! awesome :) Thanks for sharing at the Christmas in July party!

  13. just found this Marc1- great fun! XXOO Marcy


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