
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Violet has Flown the Coop

Last week, we had to say goodbye to our matriarch.  Proud, rebellious, beautiful Violet.


The oldest photos I could find of her are from 2011, so she lived to be at least 8.  That's a pretty long life for a little chicken.

Most of our hens come when they are called.  Violet, however, only comes when she is ready.  At night, our flock stays in an enclosed pen with their house, which keeps them safe from predators.  When we are home during the day, they get to graze and forage and romp all over our back yard.  At bedtime, the other girls head to their pen.  Violet usually gets stubborn, hides under a cedar tree, and acts indignant.  We've had to shoo her into the pen several times.  As she goes through the gate, Violet stands tall and struts inside.  Lately, she has been taking lots of long naps and last week, passed away during the night.  I guess she was ready to fly the coop.

I sure hope Violet enjoyed her time as matriarch of our back yard flock.

;-)  -Marci


  1. Sweet post, Marci! Rip, Violet! You certainly touched this family's heart!

  2. Sad but looks like she had a wonderful life with you. - Margy

  3. R.I.P. Violet. Gone but not forgotten. A sweet story.

  4. I've only been in the backyard chicken hobby for about two years and raised all my girls from 3 days old. Some stay under my feet when I'm out in the yard others keep their distance. I'm not sure how I'll handle loosing one but I know Violet was special as so are mine.

  5. She was beautiful!

  6. How very sad. It sounds like she had a lovely life with you though.

  7. Awww, RIP Violet. She was beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. We had to rehome a cat, and I'm still sad.

  9. Always hard to loose an animal. We lost Henrietta she use to come to the porch lay her egg in a basket and go about her day. Loved to be petted. Found you on Happiness is Homemade Line Party.


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