
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Fairy Garden Update

Creating my little Fairy Garden was so much fun I even wrote a Tutorial for my Fairy House.  It sat on the table of our back patio until our three grandchildren came to visit.  They were sharing OK, but we could tell it was a struggle.  Acting quickly as any cool grandparents would ;-) soon there were three fairy gardens on our back patio. 

Handsome Husband used small logs and large drill bits along with a little black paint and made two new fairy houses.

While he was doing that, I divided plants into three pots.

I also taught our grand children how to gently lived moss from our yard and then piece it together in the planters.

They were given all the marbles, tiles, shells and small rocks from my stash.  The sweet children arranged and re-arranged their fairy gardens for quite a long time and made a wonderful mess.

What a lovely afternoon!

;-)  -Marci


  1. Oh, those are so charming! Well done :)

  2. I love the gourd fairey house. The little violets are so sweet growing along side.

  3. Three fairy gardens! You are a very smart grandma. They're adorable, and each grandchild gets their own.
    Carol ("Mimi") from Home with Mimi


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