
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Got Eggs? Farm Fresh Eggs?

So, am I the very last person on the planet to take the plunge and invest in one of those electronic DIY cutting machines?  No?  WHEW!  My order was placed online and then the wait.  You know the drill.  A box truck pulls into the neighborhood and some nice person walks up to my door with a package and asks for a signature.  It's HERE!!  What should I do first?

Y'all know how much I love chickens!  And eggs!  Around this old rock farmhouse, everything needs to have a vintage or shabby feel.  (Wouldn't this display stand be perfect?)

My first project on my just purchased electronic cutting machine was a quick, easy choice!

Vintage Farmhouse Chickens! 

Once my machine arrived, I studied the owners manual for some time trying to understand the software.

While there is quite the learning curve for a brain like mine, let's face it.  I design the project and the machine performs all the manual labor!

I wanted the lettering to look a bit rough, so after cutting it, a purple ink pad was used to add some dark splotches in random spots and around the edges.  Gluing the small inside dots of the lettering took some a lot of patience.

So far, I've only cut card stock on the machine.  I'd like to improve my skill set before tackling more expensive materials.

Using regular white children's glue, the sweet little chickens and farm fresh letters were placed on beige and gold card stock.  Once dry, the project hopped into a black frame.

I've already completed two more projects with my brand new electronic cutting machine.  The creative part of my brain is absolutely on fire!

What would you create first?

;-)  -Marci


  1. Love this! It has such a fun farmhouse style! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty !

  2. I love farmhouse chicken decor, especially in the fall. There isn't a chicken within 50 miles of my house but I put it up anyways. Love this design what a great way to start using your shiny new cutting machine.

  3. thank you for sharing at TFT, Pinned and featured today xo

  4. I love this and would of been perfect

  5. When I first saw this post I thought you were getting chickens to add to your Farmhouse Stone Cottage menagerie :)
    Your card making looks great x


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