
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gardening Update - Tomato Harvest

Take a look at this pretty tomato harvest!
Our spring was a little too wet and now things are awfully dry.  It has not been the best gardening year for us.

We are very grateful for this basket of assorted tomatoes!  In the photo, you can see Lemon Oxheart, Yellow Plum and Yellow Pear Cherry along with Red Roma and Red Cherry.  'Sorry, y'all.  I don't remember what the big red one is!

How is your garden?
;-)  -Marci

Edit October 10, 2015:  I looked thru my seed packets.  The large red ones are Red Delicious.


  1. I've never seen such a pretty tomato variety! Very nice.
    Here in California, we've got nothing but super DRY. I don't even know how gardeners have gardens that have survived. It's that sad.
    But look at you and your tomatoes!!! And you even have almost all of the names jotted down here for us to read. That's awesome. =0) Thank you for sharing.

  2. My tomatoes are just about done, only the small cherry ones are left. Our recent rains have made them very unhappy. But it was a good run from August through September. I have some frozen some diced and made tomato sauce to use later with the overage. I'm pretty much down to my winter veggies: kale, chard, carrots and beets. - Margy

  3. They look delicious. Salsa? Balsamic? I must now how you are going to eat all that yumminess.

  4. yummm love the yellow pears - mine only ended up being stalks this year. :(

  5. I've only got cherry tomatoes but we've been really lucky this year with a great crop.
    Is the big red tomato called Big boy? Don't laugh but I'm sure my nan grew one called Big boy (actually as teenagers it did make us laugh a lot!) and also one called Money Maker - I remember they were pretty big too.

  6. Our weather has been similar to yours and our garden wasn't very productive either. Our tomatoes are about over, I'm still getting a few romas but frost isn't far off. Your harvest is fantastic! Enjoy them!!

  7. The gardens are just about done in CT, and frost is due this weekend. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  8. My garden was terrible this year. We've had about 3 rainshowers (if you can even call it that) since June. Of course, watering with the hose is no comparison to rain, so the veggies suffered. Your tomatoes are beautiful! Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!

  9. Our tomatoes did well but our squashes and pumpkins not so much. #homematterslinkyparty

  10. Tomatoes are my favorite to harvest. Thanks for linking at Simply Natural Saturdays.


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