
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Butterfly Doodles

Here's another gourd project for you.

I cut the shape of a butterfly from a large apple gourd a  L O N G  time ago, but couldn't decide how to paint it.

Then one day, I just started doodling on it, but kept things simple, only using black and red complimenting the natural color of the gourd.  Some of the black marks are from my wood burning tool and some are paint pen.  The red is actually a fabric marker.  I love the natural flaws and freckles of the gourd.

The back is clean black.

I don't really have a plan for it.  Right now it's hanging out in the greenhouse on the lattice for snow peas.
This was a fun, relaxing project.  What do you like to doodle?
;-)  -Marci


  1. That is certainly unique. I like seeing the doodles on it... and I bet it draws your attention on the lattice work too.
    I usually just doodle on paper... but this is a sweet idea!
    very artistic

  2. Very creative!! I love this idea.

  3. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You are so creative! Thank you for sharing your fun posts on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)

  5. Oh Marci, your butterfly turned out beautifully! I love how bright and cheerful it looks :) Thanks for joining Roses of Inspiration - it's always a joy to have you at the party. Hugs!

  6. Great butterfly! Very creative and thanks for sharing!

  7. How funny - both Mary & I featured this amazing post today on our Tuesdays with a Twist! You did an amazing job!


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