
Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Wonderful Muddy Mess

 We survived conquered the Insane Inflatable 5k in Tulsa! 

 With all the rain we have been having, oh my word, you should have seen the amount of mucky stuff in the high traffic areas!  It was drizzling rain and kind of windy upon arrival at the Oral Roberts University Campus. 
After registration, we hung out in the car and took silly photos,
wanting one that made us look "insane".
Yep!  That picture should do it!  ;-)  'Definitely crazy!
Here we are!  Ready to run 3 miles and climb through surprisingly large bounce houses.
Did I mention how much rain has been falling lately? 

I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard or got THAT dirty!
 The participants were running through mud, then climbing and sliding on all these awesome inflatables!  It probably wouldn't have felt as difficult if they had been dry.  It was pretty common to see runners lose a shoe in the mud. 
Others would be climbing up one of the bounce houses only to hit a slick spot and slide back to the bottom.  Thankfully everyone was helping anyone close to them otherwise, no one would have made it!
Laughter could be heard throughout the entire course!

It was a wonderful muddy mess!  #goodcleanfun  ;-)
What kind of wonderful messes are you making?
 ;-)  -Marci


  1. That sounds like so so so much fun!! I bet it was awesome laughing along everyone else. The bouncy houses sound fun. How many of them did they have?

  2. LOL! You all ARE a muddy mess! But you had fun! And that's great!!

  3. I so wanted to participate in the one that came to where we lived in Tampa, but we ended up moving to the Bahamas to start a church and never got to do the inflatables race! Ah well, I'm sure it was a ton of fun! :)
    That kind of race is right up my alley because of the giant slides and inflatables! LOL

  4. Forgot to mention that I'm visiting from The Enchanting Rose link up party! :)

  5. Awww... how sweet, my friend! And it looks like all of you had a blast! Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your week!


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