
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ooh La La... French Seams Tutorial

French Seams!

This is a skill that I just recently learned in a pillow case sewing class.  With lots of practice, I am finally ready to share it with you!
The photos for this tute are from a pillow case.  It's a new sewing addiction.  ;-)  I promise to keep the directions very general, though, so you can use them for anything.  French Seams make the finished item look so polished.

Here we go!
Begin French Seams with a very clean edge.  You can see I am using a ruler and cutting wheel.

Here's the crazy part.  With WRONG Sides facing, sew a narrow seam. 

Turn the item you are sewing to RIGHT SIDES facing (That feels better, doesn't it?) and press well.  I have learned the hard way to iron this seam nice and flat for the next step.

Now sew a wider seam than the first.  This completely encases the first one.  No raw edges!

Doesn't it look nice?
At this point, you can top stitch the seam.  My sewing machine won't accommodate that on the long tube of fabric that is a pillow case.  I hope you come back tomorrow when I give the complete tutorial for a pillow case.  You, too, can have a new sewing addiction!  ;-)
How do you like to finish seams?
;-)  -Marci


  1. I don't know how to sew at all, so anything involving sewing just amazes me. =0)

  2. Ironing that seem just right makes all the difference doesn't it?

  3. I made a dress for K.when I first was learning to sew that called for a French seam. It gave me a hard time and realized later I had done one backwards (there were two, one in each sleeve). Thanks for the tute and sharing with us at Snickerdoodle.

  4. It is lovely! I've never tried a French seam but might have to give it a go now. I have a ton of fabric in my stash! lol

    I hope you can stop by:


  5. Here from #HomeMattersParty
    I try to make french seams when I sew for my grandbaby. Doesn't always work out perfectly. Thank you for this. Now I know what I was doing wrong! (no ironing)

  6. Thank you for teaching me what a French seam is LOL I love it! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again this Friday! Feel free to bring a friend :)

  7. Well explained, Marci. French seams are not as hard as they sound, are they.


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