
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Fun Times at The Rock

Last weekend, we went skipping down to Little Rock.  It's about a three hour drive for us if we don't stop along the way, BUT there's a wonderful little BBQ place in Ozark that we MUST visit any time we are that direction!  It's called Rivertowne.  Mmmmmm...  'Seriously good food!
Here's a link to their menu:  Rivertown BBQ  I recommend everything!  ;-)

 We were at The Rock for the Fleetwood Mac concert.  They were GREAT!  It was just them and they played  for about three hours.  Mick's drum solo lasted something like ten minutes, which was the only time Lindsey left the stage.  Can you imagine playing guitar for three hours straight?!  WOW!  I bet his fingers were tired. 
'Not a great photo, but if you squint and tilt your head to the right, you can see them from left to right, Christine on keyboard, John on bass, right next to Stevie, Mick on drums and then Lindsey and his amazing lead guitar.
On our way home we stopped AGAIN at Rivertowne BBQ!  I know, right?  ;-)  I have never ordered something I didn't like.  Seriously!  The entire menu is delicious.
How was your weekend?
;-)  -Marci


  1. Sounds like a really fun time! I love Fleetwood Mac! I went to buy tickets one time not too long ago, and the tickets were starting at $175!! WHAT?? We didn't go. Boooo!

  2. What's not to love ... Fleetwood Mac and BBQ twice. - Margy


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