
Monday, April 6, 2015

A Bouquet Arranged "By Hand" Tutorial

 Isn't this a beautiful time of year?  I love early Spring!  Today, I am bringing you another tutorial for arranging flowers.  If you would like to see the first one, simply click HERE !
Tulips are such stunning flowers.  When arranging them, I like to keep it as simple as possible and usually just arrange them "by hand".  Here's a little tutorial how to do it.

I prefer a short vase for this trick.  This one happens to be just a bit bigger than I can grip.  Perfect!

We recently had a hail storm that damaged most of the tulips.  They looked pretty scrappy, so I cut what was left.  'Not quite enough for a bouquet of just tulips and you can probably see some of the petals are a bit bruised.

Some daffodils were added to the mix. Singles and doubles, but I stayed with just yellow ones.  I am *loving* these colors together!  For this type of bouquet I have everything cut before the arranging begins.  One hand will be busy holding the stems!

Here's where we begin.  One stem of each type.  Keep in mind this will be the center of the bouquet.

I go around the circle adding flowers, trying to keep like blossoms opposite each other as much as possible.  Also, each rotation is placed a tiny bit lower than the one before.

Once my hand feels pretty full, its time to snip all the stems to the same length.

I hold them near the vase to get the appropriate height then gently place the bouquet inside and give them a bit of a fluff.

That's it!  Now they are ready to go inside!  Those double daffodils really add some texture, don't they?

What do you love about Spring?

;-)  -Marci


  1. I love spring flowers! But sadly, I have trouble growing them. Yours look beautiful, even after a hail storm!

  2. That is one of the prettiest bouquets I have seen, Marci! The colors are stunning and so vibrant. Happy Monday!

  3. STUNNING!!! Tulips are my favorite. So beautiful.

  4. BEAUTIFUL, Marci!!! I'd love to stroll around your garden.

  5. This looks so professional. Thanks for sharing over at the Snickerdoodle Sunday.

  6. Thank you for sharing! My daughter and I love walking about the yard and finding pretty things to snip and put in vases, but I don't have much know-how. If I get enough pretty daffodils this year, I'll have to try this. I must admit, though, that sometimes I struggle. . . do I bring them inside or leave them outside to enjoy? They're so pretty both places!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! :-)

    Have you ever read the book "Tupilomania" by Mike Dash? Tulips have such a fascinating history.

  8. Stopping in from Treasure Box Tuesday. This photo of your bouquet caught my eye, and I just had to tell you how beautiful it is!

  9. So beautiful, and great tips too. I usually just bung 'em in a vase, but this is SO much better!

  10. Your bouquet is so beautiful! Thanks for the "how to"!

  11. I think we must both have been inspired by the same colour palette this week... I did a floral arrangement for my blog using almost the same colours! :-) Yours is truly lovely.

  12. Beautiful! I wouldn't mind that vase of flowers on my table. :)

  13. What a great tutorial, thank you! I have a nice vase that I received with some flowers as a gift a little while ago and have been thinking about sewing a decorative cover for it soon. Now that I have seen this I think I might fill it with a nice bouquet, too! The colors here are beautiful!

  14. Such a perfect bouquet. And a fantastic tutorial. Thanks for linking up at the Home Matters Party! Join us again next Friday.

  15. I love this , thank you so much for the great tips! Stopping by the creative ways link party! :-)

  16. That is beautiful! I absolutely love those daffodils!

    Thanks again for linking up with Green Thumb Thursday! We'd love for you to link up again this week!

  17. This is lovely and you've given some great tips. Visiting from Brag About It.

  18. such lovely flowers! Glad you were able to save some :)

  19. Those are just beautiful! I love tulips and this whole bouquet makes me think spring! Pinned.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Shar Some Love. This post was picked as one of my featured favorites!

  20. Flowers have a special place and importance in every individual's heart and mind.

  21. Your arrangement is beatiful and it makes me long for spring which isn’t too far away at this point! You are wise to cut them the height you did so the support each other nicely and don’t flop over.

  22. Beautiful bouquet! Thank you for visiting "A Vintage Valentine" blog hop!


  23. gorgeous! I can't wait till bulbs are in bloom in Wisconsin!

  24. I am not great at arranging, but who cares! They are beautiful anyway. Love your tutorial! I'm gonna give it a shot as soon as a few more flowers come up in my yard.
    :) gwingal

  25. What beautiful flowers. Wish we had the spring weather here right now.

  26. What pretty tulips! Shared on Fb, G+, Pn, and Tw ♥

  27. Such pretty flowers-- I love how they scream spring. Your tutorial gives such great advice.

  28. Oh my, your flowers are beautiful! I have never been good at arranging flowers and always wished I had the talent. Thank you for your lesson!


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