
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Ojai Wrap Giveaway!

This morning I told you all about The Ojai Wrap Pattern Tour, but left off the giveaway! 
Don't you love Justine's version?!
  OOPS!  Here is the Rafflecopter thing-ama-bob!  I hope you win one of these amazing PDF patterns!

Come back and see my Ojai Wrap on Wednesday!
;-)  -Marci


  1. awesome giveaway! I couldn't get that first one to work. Hope your day is wonderful Marci!

  2. I'm new here (came from a PIN about homemade dog treats!) and I like what I see; I'll be back again and again!

    I tried to enter your giveaway, but I don't have facebook. I love this Ojai Wrap and even though I've been sewing for several years, I still consider myself a beginner and look for quick and easy patterns such as this one. Thanks for sharing!


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