
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Twenty Days to Clean Ur Home - Last Post

Thank you,  Anne  of  Domesblissity , for the inspiration to organize and clean!
Thank you,  Katrina  at  The Organised Housewife  for creating this challenge! 
 The challenge was officially over a few days ago, but my journey began on Day 6.  I was just a smidge behind the rest of the pack!  The Craft Room was the last room for me.  Most of it is pretty organized. 

The greatest accomplishment this week? 


 My thread was jumbled in three shoe boxes and all tangled. How does one spool of thread lasso three others? How does that happen?

Interestingly, when cleaning the kitchen cabinets, there were two kitchen utensil organizers not being used that had been placed in the "To Be Donated" box.  There was also an organizer for nuts and bolts.  These trays were PERFECT for thread!

Even though they don't match at all, they stack together nicely!

My thread is untangled, color coordinated and stacked neatly!
Whew!  I'm kind of tired, but so tickled with what has been accomplished.
Consider taking the challenge!  Visit   Katrina at The Organised Housewife  for details! 
;-)  -Marci


  1. Wow, this is a perfect post for me! :) I teach school, and I cannot seem to get organized since school has started back. I love your blog. Your newest follower from Sunday Showoff. :)

    1. Hi, Kathy! Welcome! I am thrilled with the results of this challenge. As soon as my feet hit the floor this morning, the cleaning began again. I'll keep posting results. -Marci

  2. Oh Marci! You don't have to thank me. That's just lovely what you said. Good on you. It's always harder for me, going from summer to fall but I seem to feel invigorated or energised when going from winter to spring. Good luck with keeping up the challenge. I'll be keeping up with your progress. We can keep each other motivated! LOL

    Anne xx

    1. Hi, Anne! Thank you for stopping by! It does feel like a Fall Cleaning, doesn't it? Yes! Please keep me motivated. I am afraid I will fizzle out before the last room is done! ;-) -Marci

  3. This is such a great idea! I think we ALL need a little cleaning inspiration especially for those BIG jobs! I will have to look into it!
    Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

    1. Good morning, Amie! The challenge has been wonderful! I am tired, but so happy with the results! -Marci

  4. This is a great idea! Thank you for posting!!

    1. Hi, Ashley! The challenge has really helped give direction to my organizing. There have been lots of ideas I don't ordinarily remember. -Marci


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