
Friday, January 20, 2012

Stone Cottage Play Dough

'Not to be confused with Stone Cottage Edible Play Dough .  It's fun, too!

Do you have energetic children that wake up early and need to be entertained while you cook breakfast?  Mr. Big Stuff is an early riser and, boy, is he energetic!  What a cutie pie! 
Get out the food coloring.  Let your sweethearts choose which color they like best!  Mr. Big Stuff likes blue.  He's already been called a "Man's Man".  *wink*  He's 5.  Does that make him a "Boy's Boy'?
Stone Cottage Play Dough Ingredients

1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Salt
1 Cup Cold Water

Toss the ingredients in a medium sauce pan.  Cook and stir over medium high heat for a few minutes.  It really doesn't take very long.  When it thickens and looks kind of like mashed potatoes, remove from heat. 
Let the fun begin!  Mr. Big Stuff LOVES adding the color.  I scoop equal parts into four snack size plastic bags. 

 That happens to be how many colors we got in our food coloring box.  
Squish a "pocket" in the middle of the dough for the food coloring.  The pocket will help things be a little less messy if the bag pops open.
Add your favorite color into the "pocket".

Pinch the "pocket" closed.
Smoosh and mash the dough inside with the bags in hopes of keeping the mess somewhat contained.
OK.  I repeat myself.  What a cutie pie!  Just know there will probably be a mess. 
But what a cutie pie!
Thank you for sharing our joy!


  1. I think "Mr Big Stuff" gets more adorable by the day!

  2. Hi, Anne! I think you have excellent observation skills! ;-) *wink* -Marci

  3. What a great way to start the day! I mean I want to stay home from work today to make play dough. Mr. Big Stuff looks like he is loads of fun.


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