
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Critique Swap

Hosted by Truly Lovely with the Laney Sisters

Last week I participated in a blog critique swap.  It was a wonderful learning experience. 

What is a blog critique swap?  I’m so glad you asked.  Basically, you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothin’ but the truth.  Then you are given specific criteria to check and two blogs to critique.  In return, you receive two critiques for your blog.  ‘Sounds scary, huh?  Sometimes the truth hurts. 

If you are curious about the criteria, you can find it at Crafterminds.  At first the whole thing seemed a little daunting.  Then I looked at the first assigned blog and fell in love! 

Life in the Thrifty Lane 
It was so much fun really looking at a blog, especially one with tons of helpful information. Her posts are very well written.  Meeting Veronica was such a treat!  I am now a follower of her blog. 

I felt much better after completing one critique.  I took a peek at the second assigned blog.  You’ll never guess what happened.  I fell in love AGAIN!

A Lil Dash of Diva 
What a great name for a blog!  There is a sparkly shoe in the header of her blog and she signs her posts with a hot pink lipstick smooch!  Chrissy is delightful, too!  I am now a follower of her blog. 

You may be wondering who was assigned to Stone Cottage Adventures.  Mandy over at Sugar Bee Crafts is super experienced and had tons of helpful tips.  Thank you, Mandy!  You guessed it.  I am now a follower of her blog! 

‘Not sure exactly what happened with my second critique, but I bet it is coming soon!  There was some kind of technical difficulty.  It was so sweet of Kassi at Truly Lovely with the Laney Sisters to share her knowledge.  Thanks, Kassi!  Veronica at Life in the Thrifty Lane also stopped by and gave me some suggestions.  Thanks, Veronica!   

What did I learn? 
1.  Bloggers are wonderful people. 
2.  You can’t have too many girlfriends, especially bloggy girlfriends. 
3.  My writing style and photos were well received. 
4.  My blog should have some cool gadgets I don’t actually know how to create. 
5.  You can find a tutorial for anything.  Even cool blogging gadgets. 

Off I go to read tutorials and create an even better blog.  There may be fewer posts while I tackle gadgets. 

Thanks so much for stopping by this humble little blog!  My bloggy goal was to spread joy.  I had no idea how much I would receive.  Thank you for sharing my joy!   

Marci  ;-)


  1. Thanks (she says as rolling her eyes). . .now you're blogged down and so am I! All this inspiration is turning to persperation. Thanks to you--- in the last month I've transformed 2 t-shirts, made a jean-bottom apron, created bath, laundry, and liquid soap; started parsley seeds and a Ben-a-saurus lettuce garden (for my grandson who thinks he is part of Land-of-the-Lost; and planned an herbal garden that is 3x's bigger than last year. Our relationship is becoming pretty serious! And now, it's becoming, well, an blogorgy! Did I invent a word?

  2. So nice meeting you and looking forward to read more of your posts!
    Have a great weekend,

  3. Oh, Tami! Don't you start with me! I'm still begging Handsome Husband for goats!! ;-) *wink* I can't wait to see your herb garden and lettuce garden. Spinach is ready for harvest in the big greenhouse and maybe some radishes. 'Gotta get snow peas planted. Oooh... I could write a post about snow peas. 'Gotta go! -Marci

  4. Hi, Veronica! Thanks so much for stopping by! Maybe someday my blog will be as beautiful as yours! I hope Kassi has another blog critique party. It was very helpful! -Marci

  5. Thanks so much for participating in our blog critique party Marci!!! I'm so glad to hear you took away some helpful tips for your blog!! I am sorry... not sure what happened to your other partner! If you'd like another review, I would be more than glad to help! Just let me know!
    ~Kassi @ Truly Lovely


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