Friday, May 25, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

how does your garden grow? 

With silver bells,

and cockle shells,

and pretty maidens all in a row. 

I'm so glad you stopped by.  Will you please come again soon?  ;-)  -Marci


  1. Sweet pics to go along with a sweet verse ! :o)

  2. Agreed! Thanks for sharing your ideas on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We'll see you next week! -The Sisters

  3. Marci what a beautiful garden you have. Those are great pictures too btw. I love how you tied it all together with that fun old poem. Wow, what I would give to sit on that bench with you and have a cup of tea ;) As always thanks for linking up to Flashback Friday.

  4. So beautiful!! Thanks again for linking up to my blog hop!


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